Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Black and White" poem by Abigail Alexis~

Im not the smartest person,
I didnt go to school,

Maybe Im not stylish,
Maybe I'm not cool.

I cannot say I am rich,
Or beautiful, or wise,

maybe I don't hold respect,
In your parents eyes.

I know that I'm a dreamer,
and rarely dreams come true,

and maybe I'm not sensible,
and that seem strange to you.

I don't hold any status.
I don't have a degree.

I know your friends have teased you,
for even being seen with me.

But what if I was all these things,
What would that define?

Would that make me generous?
Would that make me kind?

Would you really love me more,
If I I could read or write?

If, instead of dreaming,
I only saw in black and white?

Would I be a better person?
Would it make me great?

Would it make you happier?
If numbers I could calculate?

If others thought me ravishing?
Or I held a PhD ?

Would I be more worthy?
Would it bring you dignity?

I do not know the answers,
only questions to ask you,

But I know that I am special,
...and that my love is special to.

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