Sunday, July 23, 2006

"Contradictions?" Poem by AB ~

Chasing stars in daylight,
Sunbathing at midnight,
Swimming in the dessert,
Crying at your sight,
Talking with my mouth closed,
Seeing with no eyes,
Dancing when I'm crippled,
Tethered with no ties,
Swinging from no axle,
Spinning while I'm still,
Hunger when I've eaten,
Finding time to kill,
Naked with my clothes on,
Dead but still alive,
Laughing at my heartbreak,
Stabbing with no knives,
Wandering to a purpose,
Loving to an end,
Giving to acquire,
Lying to a friend,
Goals that have no propose,
Inmates that have no crime,
Feeling, no emotion,
Riddles with no rhyme,
Are these contradictions,
Words that make no sense,
Or is they hidden meaning,
Stained, in the contence.

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