Monday, July 24, 2006

"Loving this Day" Poem by AB ~

When you said "love you",
I taught I was dreaming,
But when I woke up,
You were still here for me,
I am so happy,
I feel like a child,
I still can't believe,
That you want us to be,
Blissful emotions,
Are swirling around me,
The feelings are like,
No others before,
Your voice is so calming,
It makes me surrender,
When I see your smile,
I melt to the floor,
Lonely no more,
The restlessness settles,
The feelings of joy,
And hope in my life,
I wish I could claim,
This magical feeling,
You have erased The grief, pain and strife,
The future is brighter,
My days have more meaning,
I am in love,
And loving this day,
I want you to know,
That I'll love you for ever,
This feeling I'm having,
Is with me to stay.

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